

Amy Trentham-Dietz

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Principal Investigator


Dr. Trentham-Dietz earned her MS in Statistics and PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has been a faculty member in the Department of Population Health Sciences at UW-Madison since 2001. Dr. Trentham-Dietz enjoys supporting pre- and post-doctoral trainees interested in a wide range of issues related to women’s health. Her research focuses on breast cancer prevention, early detection and outcomes. She uses novel and traditional epidemiologic approaches in her studies complemented by methods drawing from health services research and simulation modeling. Dr. Trentham-Dietz conducts research concerning breast cancer prevention and detection by focusing on 1) modifiable lifestyle factors including obesity, physical activity, and environmental exposures to better understand breast cancer etiology and reveal avenues for prevention; 2) ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast which, often detected through mammography, is a non-obligate precursor for invasive breast cancer; and 3) simulation modeling of breast cancer to examine risk-based approaches for improving the balance of benefits and harms of screening.

Jess Gorzelitz

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Kinesiology PhD Specializing in Physical Activity Epidemiology


Jess’ research interests focus on the role of physical activity in gynecologic cancer survivorship, specifically the role of resistance training in endometrial cancer survivors. Her dissertation work focuses on marrying my epidemiological and kinesiology training into a behavioral framework to study exercise in cancer survivors. She has interests in rural health including studying the needs and barriers to physical activity in women who live in rural Wisconsin. Jess’ main dissertation project is H-BEST, Home-Based Exercise for Strength Training, which is a two-arm randomized controlled pilot trial determining the feasibility of and adherence to home-based strengthening (resistance-based) exercise.

Maria Kamenetsky

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Epidemiology PhD


Maria is a PhD candidate in Epidemiology in the Department of Population Health Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she also completed her MS in Statistics in 2016. Her research is in spatial epidemiology, working on spatial and spatio-temporal cluster detection methods and identifying breast cancer clusters across Wisconsin. She is primarily advised by Dr. Ronald Gangnon.

Jennifer Bird

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Population Health PhD


Jennifer is interested in health communication research and bringing aspects of the field into epidemiologic studies. She also has a strong interest in women’s health, and many of the projects she works on are related to breast cancer. Jennifer’s dissertation topic is rural cancer disparities and communication needs.

Fiona Weeks

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Population Health PhD


Fiona conducts mixed methods research in maternal health and healthcare. She is particularly interested in labor and delivery care and healthcare factors that contribute to racial health inequities. Fiona is the Principal Investigator of the Wisconsin Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) and a maternal and child health epidemiologist with the state Department of Health Services. She holds a Bachelor degree in Sociology and Community Health from Tufts University, a Master of Science in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University, and is currently a PhD student in Population Health at UW-Madison.

Claudia Vredeveld

Credentials: MS

Position title: Population Health MS


Claudia’s primary research interests include racial and ethnic equity in physical and behavioral health, the social determinants, and program evaluation.

John Hampton

Credentials: MS

Position title: Biostatistician


Mr. Hampton has been the head biostatistician in Dr. Trentham-Dietz’s lab since 2000. He oversees and conducts statistical analysis on all projects in the lab. Mr. Hampton also works closely with faculty, staff and students on collaborative research projects to assist with data analysis conducted by other researchers. Mr. Hampton teaches POP HLTH 451: Introduction to SAS Programming for Population Health.

Julie McGregor

Position title: Research Program Manager


Ms. McGregor manages all projects in Dr. Trentham-Dietz’s lab. She oversees staff and student employees, coordinating activities across the many projects taking place at once. Ms. McGregor also oversees any activities related to communication between the lab and other units on the UW-Madison campus, funding agencies, other research groups in the US and around the world, and cancer survivors and advocacy organizations who partner with the lab.


Maria Mora Pinzon

Credentials: MD, MS

Position title: Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Dr. Mora Pinzon’s research interests lie at the intersection of health equity, health services research and implementation science.  These areas of expertise have the potential to fill knowledge gaps that only exist in the context of communities of color and provide necessary information to effectively address health disparities.